
Drawing Free Body Diagrams Answer Key

Activity 10

Free-Body Diagrams

Objective: To draw free-body diagrams allowing us to isolate an object from its environment and

identify forces acting only on it. An application of Newton's 2nd Law.

Activity 10.1. Free-Body Diagram Practice

Free-body diagrams allow us to separate an object from a system of interacting objects to

analyze the forces on it. Use the following procedure to draw free-body diagrams:

1. Draw a dot, small circle, or small square to symbolize the object you want to analyze. The

shape of the object itself doesn't matter, so make sure that the drawing is small and

simple. We are only interested in the motion of the center of mass of the object.

2. Identify all the forces exerted on the object. Don't forget the gravitational force and

contact forces.

3. List, not draw, all of the items in the object's environment that exert forces on the object.

Drawing other items will only confuse the forces exerted on the object with those exerted

by it.

4. Draw an arrow to represent each force. The tail of the arrow should be located on the

simple object, and the arrow should point in the direction the force is exerted. The arrows

should be drawn to the correct relative lengths (if you know one force is three times as big

as another, the arrow for that force should be three times as long).

5. Label the force arrows by the following convention:




"Type" identifies what kind of force it is. We will name forces based on what we know

about the force. "On" identifies the object subjected to the force, that is, the object

represented by the circle in step 1. Any forces which are "on" any object except the one

we are interested in, do not belong in the free-body diagram.

6. Verify that your forces are exerted on , not by, the object.

7. Draw a small arrow next to the object to represent acceleration. Label this arrow " 𝑎 ".

Check that the vector sum of the force vectors points in the direction of this acceleration.

If the object is in equilibrium, write "𝑎 = 0" and make sure the vector sum is zero as well.

If your forces don't add up for the given acceleration, make sure you drew the right forces

and that they are to scale.

Drawing Free Body Diagrams Answer Key


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